“The mission of the Boys & Girls Club of Hill County is to inspire and enable all young people in our community to realize their full potential and create responsible, caring, and productive citizens”
The Boys & Girls Club of Hillsboro Texas, Inc., was founded in 1996 by Mr. David Mojica & Mr. Ted Whitley and with a dedicated group of volunteers. The Articles of Incorporation were amended in September of 2007 to read the Boys & Girls Club of Hill County Texas, Inc. to better represent the cross section of children served.
The Club's first President, County Court at Law Judge A. Lee Harris, remarked the following...
"Our children need additional opportunities within a structured environment. During my years in Hill County, Juvenile Delinquency has risen dramatically. Many factors contribute to this, but idleness and lack of guidance certainly contribute to the list. All of us hope that by providing a Boys & Girls Club setting our youth will be steered toward constructive endeavors that better prepare them for the future".
Kathy Groppel - Chairman, Bill Siddons, Sarah Young, Rebeka Calhoun, Kristi Hutter, Tony Cain, Yvette Juarez, Colin Smith, D'Leisa Graves, Vicki Adams, Tom Mills